Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another Marathon Completed

It's hard to believe I have just finished another marathon. I am realizing that it is difficult winding down afterwards. I am going as fast as I can despite feeling completely worn down and then bam, it's all over. I can handle the start up fairly easy since we start off with orientation and then start really getting hit hard a bit later but going wide open at the very end makes it hard for me to settle back into a normal routine. I'm now waiting for my final grades to appear but I finished well above a 100 in both classes. Once again, I can't believe I worked so hard when it wasn't completely necessary but it is just how I am. I completed every bit of extra credit even though I didn't need any of it. It has been that way for every extra credit assignment I have done thus far. I really need to chill out more! If I am not applying myself 100% all the time, I stress that I am not working hard enough. Somebody slap me!

Anyway, we are now working on preparing for our cruise. I'm spending extra time with the kids doing fun things for them everyday now. I'll try to keep this up until we get off the cruise ship and by then, my classes will already be back in session. Fall classes start on Aug. 18th and I'm signed up for History, Psychology, Spanish, and Geology. This will be the heaviest semester so far with 13 credit hours but after this, it should be a bit easier unless I push myself for 12 credits in the spring. It's hard to believe I still have 3 more years of this to go but at the same time, I'm amazed with how far I have come and how much I have learned. Now I understand the true meaning of what a well-rounded education is and can appreciate for what it is truly worth. Seriously, every child should have this opportunity if they desire it regardless of academic history. This is how the community college system is designed, to give everyone the same opportunity. Well, I'm doing this now and now is definitely better than never so I'll continue to drudge through this and absorb every ounce of it that I can.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping with Homework

I am not so sure if I recommend attempting this task again. Surrounded in an unfamiliar setting, using my laptop that dh has taken over (which by the way is a whole nother complaint), and not being able to escape into a separate room each made this almost impossible. It was easier reading my book without my internet dictionary and being interrupted every other sentence than trying to get any research accomplished. Then we have the added disruptions of all the storms coming through. Geesh, it doesn't rain for a month and the one weekend we decide to take a trip and it storms ove and over and over. Poor puppy is suffering from diahrrea, a swollen mouth, and swollen eye (she couldn't even open it). I just don't know if this trip was really worth all the hassel. I would have much preferred to stay home and take this trip in August after I'm done with this summer schedule. Now I'm really concerned about how I'm going to handle the first week of class for fall semester on the road too. Obviously I have plenty of planning to do before then!