Saturday, November 8, 2008

So Upset and Very Disappointed

Yes, it is true. It has been a most difficult week. Hubby has been home sick. The boys were home for 2 days on Fall Break. I was already behind from the previous week with sick boys, lots of work at the elementary school, and two days of Fall Break. I hope this is crunch time at the school because it always seems like when it rains, it pours. This week didn't seem hard but the assignments were huge and count a large chunk of our final grade. Friday night after working almost all day on assignments and studying, I realized Bailey was sleeping at 9pm. I had let an entire day slip by without really seeing my baby girl. I was heartbroken and broke down and cried. I know I said that I would not continue to let my studies interfere but with such big assignments with large GPA percentages, I just could not let it go. If I turn it in late, I get a zero. Thankfully she did awaken at 11:30 and we played briefly before I let her have some TV time which she always enjoys late at night.

Which this now leads me to situation which I am not proud of. So we have an instructor who is not so helpful. I have been at odds with her since before the semester started and I have written about her once before. Remember, I had to drive back to the bookstore on a Saturday after the first week of class is over to find a textbook. It is the same instructor. Well, recently she had included questions on the test that are not covered in the book, she doesn't answer my questions when I email her, and most recently she docked me 20 points for a set of 4 essays (10 pages) because I essay was not written about the topic she intended us to write about. It took me three emails to figure out what the topic should have been. I cannot imagine how badly she will be tearing up my research paper that is due tomorrow.

I feel sick when I think about it. I dread doing homework. I dread having to email her. I hate Psychology now. I save it for last. It is these thoughts that make me realize that it is time to contact the department chair. I know of 3 other students complaining about her and others that I talk with are not satisfied but are afraid to say anything. It is not fair. Now, it is too late to drop the class. I'll have to finish this semester out and hope I can at least maintain a decent grade in the class. I need to work on contacting the department chair first thing Monday morning to get things in motion before I get another bad grade. It makes me sick to think about it.