Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's all over until August

I ended up getting really burned out this semester. It was pretty bad. I didn't care to submit any homework, study, or anything else. I had to count down the assignments to help me get to the end. It was torture. But it's all over now.

History was painful. We had double the workload this semester compared to the previous history class. But there were only 2 exams. That is really tough trying to remember specific details covering 7 chapters of a world history textbook, website links, and lectures. I worked my butt off though and hopefully I fared pretty well in there.

Spanish II was scary towards the end. We were moving at such a fast pace that I felt I wasn't putting as much into long-term memory. I feel like I need a nice break from Spanish before attempting to learn more in there.

Chemistry class had a major turn-around right after the last day to drop the class. We started with 32 students and after the last day to drop the class we had only 8 students remaining. I had a solid A average in there. It was very tough to maintain that grade but I knew the final would be dreadful and I needed a high grade going into the final. Then the instructor opened up all quizzes and offered us to retake them to improve our grades and to prepare for the final exam. I only tried two quizzes though and they only raised my grade by a point total. It was good practice for the final exam though! The lab final exam was awful and I barely studied for it. I paid for it with a 76 but I could have skipped it altogether and still managed a B in there.

I still have my work cut out for me this summer. I need to pass the Praxis asap. I need to get accepted into the Teacher Education Program this fall. I took a seminar last month and there were some in attendance who had taken parts of the Praxis 4 and 5 times. Oh dear.

This fall I will be busy finishing up the last 2-3 classes at GTCC and taking my first 1-2 classes at WSSU. So far I am signed up for 2 classes but the third class is full unless someone decides not to pay for it.

I'm off to study and take a break from the daily grind until Fall!