Thursday, February 14, 2008

Role Model

Wow, I don't know how I did it, but I did it! I aced my first set of Sociology essays and my professor asked to use my essays as a model for the rest of the class. I was extremely concerned about that first assignment but apparantly I did just fine. I suppose it is yet another classic example of personal lack of confidence in my own abilities.

Additionally, I have a meeting at 2pm today to discuss using one of the school's learning software. I am not exactly sure what all that will entail but I'll find out soon enough. I already have my notes ready just in case.

Now the wait for my first argumentative essay is driving me over the edge. I feel like the lack of confidence prevents me from concentrating too much time and energy on the next essay until I know that I have mastered the previous one.

By the way, I picked up my progressive lenses yesterday and I can finally see everything again. It's amazing how big and clear words are now. It's as if they are jumping off the page instead of hiding in my blindspots. It sure makes reading a much easier task now.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blind as a Bat

After struggling to read despite plenty of rest, I finally scheduled an eye exam. I was not looking forward to this appointment but I knew something needed to be done. It takes me forever to read since I have to study words to figure out what they are. Then there are others that I never figure out at all.

It turns out that I have some 3-4 different issues going on right now. My right eye has become increasingly worse (it was my good eye), I have developed a lazy eye, my eyes have too much pressure in them, and I didn't even ask the status of my left eye. I will need bifocals because when I use glasses to read something up close then I cannot read anything further away. I am constantly struggling to find that area where it is the clearest for reading.

Wow, here I just days before my 40th birthday and I already need bifocals! That really hit me pretty hard. I cried all afternoon over that realization.

Hopefully my new glasses will be ready for pick up on Tuesday as scheduled. I am quickly getting further behid and missing questions on tests because I cannot read everything well enough. In the meantime, I'll keep that magnifying glass handy for emergencies.