Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blind as a Bat

After struggling to read despite plenty of rest, I finally scheduled an eye exam. I was not looking forward to this appointment but I knew something needed to be done. It takes me forever to read since I have to study words to figure out what they are. Then there are others that I never figure out at all.

It turns out that I have some 3-4 different issues going on right now. My right eye has become increasingly worse (it was my good eye), I have developed a lazy eye, my eyes have too much pressure in them, and I didn't even ask the status of my left eye. I will need bifocals because when I use glasses to read something up close then I cannot read anything further away. I am constantly struggling to find that area where it is the clearest for reading.

Wow, here I just days before my 40th birthday and I already need bifocals! That really hit me pretty hard. I cried all afternoon over that realization.

Hopefully my new glasses will be ready for pick up on Tuesday as scheduled. I am quickly getting further behid and missing questions on tests because I cannot read everything well enough. In the meantime, I'll keep that magnifying glass handy for emergencies.

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