Monday, March 10, 2008

Just that quick, it's all over

I always seem to have such high expectations of myself and then get frustrated when I cannot get everything accomplished. I had this long list of assignments I wanted to get done last week but I let everything else get in the way. I did finish what absolutely needed to get done to meet deadlines last night but that was it. So this week I am left with a mess. I have a midterm on Wednesday, my set set of 4 essays due on Monday, and a whole page of assignments to complete by Sunday as well. I suppose this is yet another typical week for me. I am seriously considering taking two classes this summer to lighten my load to 3 classes for the fall. I believe four online classes at a time is really too time consuming.

I am plugging along with studying for the midterm. I am paranoid after drawing a complete blank on my last quiz so I am hoping to be overly prepared. At least this midterm will not have a set time limit, except when the testing center closes, so I will not have that looming over me. I have a tendency to want to double and even triple check my work therefore the more time I have to work, the easier it is. Now if I could get all of these formulas memorized, I will be in good shape.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break should officially start on Wednesday, however, it won't feel much like a spring break. I am already feeling overwhelmed with how much I need to finish next week, the following week, and during the month of April. There are so many papers to do. We have 2 more for writing, 3 for religions, and oodles for sociology. Two of those essays are long papers of 8-10 pages. I'm not sure if I have ever written so much before in my life. Oh and I cannot forget the Math Midterm due 3/15 and comprehensive final due at the end of the semester. I'll be thrilled to survive this semester intack. I'm exausted!

So why is it that they try to cram so much down us in such a short period of time? I am all for extending the semester by a couple of weeks to help lighten the load. Athough, I'm sure many of the younger crowd would not approve at all. I am finding they are an entirely different breed of animals.

I have had laryngitis for almost two weeks now. I had no idea I would be sick for so long. It is hard to think straight with a medicine head. Calgon, come take me away!

I continue to do well through all of this. While I'm not maintaining those 99's like I did last semester, I still have an A in every class so far. I find this remarkable considering the time constraints I deal with on a daily basis. I have a 99 average in my writing class, a 96 in Religions, a 97 in Math, and 97 in Sociology. So I really cannot complain about my performance so far. However my biggest fear arose last week when I opened my 2nd Math quiz and drew a complete blank. By the time I worked through half the test, I almost ran out of time and had to hurry through the remainder. Thankfully I didn't flunk it! I hate taking tests.