Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Feeling Hopeless

You would think with only 2 weeks of classes left that I would feel on top of the world but that is not the case at all. I can't believe how much work we have crammed into those two weeks. I have a project, term paper, research paper, comprehensive final, religions test (that is difficult enough itself), oodles of math homework covering two more chapters, extra credit work in religions (yep, still difficult), among all the other stuff. Plus I have to juggle Tae Kwon Do for Patrick, Field Day, Book Fair, Science Night, Playgroup for Bailey, and forget cleaning the house-who has time? I don't know how to get everything organized so I can do it all. Then there is only a two week break until Summer classes start and I need to get a tooth pulled quickly before it falls apart or gets infected and need to get the yard sale organized and done to rid our house of all this clutter. I seriously need a nice long break!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ups and Downs

Seriously, there are some days where I don't really know how I can fit everything in. Days will drag and I just keep plugging along. Then the sky clears up and I begin the see the light at the end of that long, dark tunnel. These past few weeks have been like that and it is very challenging keeping up with everything. There are even some days where I cannot keep up. I lose my keys, my wallet, my kids (just kidding) and wonder if am pushing myself too hard. Then I get an opportunity to talk with someone and that really helps me realize that I can do this. Thee are many others out there going through the same thing.

So I have been enrolled in two classes for this summer, and another four classes for fall. The summer classes shouldn't be too difficult and they will be short with only 10 weeks. The fall is one that I dread. I just have this sinking feeling that it will be similar to this semester and wonder if I should back down to 3 classes. If I can pull it off though, I'll be in good shape and almost done with only seven classes to go. It will be possible for me to have only one or two classes left to finish up that final semester. I could either take a much needed break, or take a class at the next college to help with the transition.

The day-to-day workload is what really drags me down at times though. Just when I think I might give up it lets up and I have some breathing room to spend time with Bailey during the day. After almost missing two deadlines yesterday (posting my assignments within minutes of the deadline), I am more than ready for some up days.