Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm swamped over here!

Yikes!! I feel like I don't have time to breathe at times. Poor Bailey is watching way too much TV. But what can I do? I certainly can't be up every night all night long. I would be dead the next day which wouldn't be fair either. I had one essay due last night and another 4 due this afternoon. Then I get back from picking up the boys and dropping off their science fair projects only to find a whole new list of homework to complete by next week.

So what is so hard about turning in essays back to back like that? Well it's like this. I feel like I am borderline (if not overboard) OCD. So I have this overwhelming desire to revise the crap out of a piece of writing. It never feels perfect. As soon as I send it off, I have to pull myself away completely or I will find many other changes I should have made. This is literally driving me crazy. I'll probably be in the nut house by the end of March. By then I'll have at least another 10 essays under my belt.

Now back to the OCD thing. It's like this with many things I do. With the boys' science fair projects, I kept wanting to edit this and that and reprint and recut and add and the list goes on and on. It took me a few days to perfect freehanding various nuts and popcorn for creative effects. I probably drove the boys nuts. LOL This carries over to other aspects of my life as well. Let's not even get started talking about germs! And now this dang wireless keyboard will most likely get thrown out the window in a few more days. It's skips more letters than my heart skips beats during a test.

Why is it that I have to be the one whose toddler doesn't sleep? I cannot let Bailey have a nap or she is up until midnight. We tested this theory one last time Thursday night. I take Patrick to Math night at school. Bailey is upset and falls asleep. I get home an hour later and wake her right up. She is up until 11:55. No joke! I can't take this! I'm lucky if she sleeps 10 hours a night. Bradley sleeps more than she does.

I've complained enough for one night. It's time to get busy with another week of homework. Sunday will be here in what seems like 24 hours.

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