Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The results are in

I seriously do not know how I pulled this one off. I checked on my grades last Tuesday and there it was...all As once again. It is crazy! I ended up making a 94 on the final religions test despite feeling like I had flunked it. There were several questions on there that I had no clue what the answer was so I had to make an educated guess. Some how I lucked out and must have guessed correctly. Then the research paper that I stressed so much over for that class turned out earning me another 94, which is bad for one of my essays but excellent for that class. I am much relieved to have that semester behind me! I will make a promise to myself to never take another religions class again. We just don't get along well at all. I loved my instructor though! How crazy is that? She is awesome, knowledgable and creative with assignments. It was just a struggle for me personally.

Now that I am on break, I am enjoying a lot of extra sleep, hanging around the house (too expensive to drive any where), cleaning, organizing, and catching up on life in general. I felt like I was in a fog these past 2-3 months and almost no housework was completed the past month. I am also excited about painting the foyer/living room/hallway a fresh, new color scheme. Hopefully I won't get sidetracked and can start on that today. Tomorrow, I have the big tooth extraction which has me really concerned. Then I have a big yard sale coming up Saturday morning as long as I think I can pull it off without being in too much pain. We have tons of toys and clothes to sell this time around. I wonder how we accumulate so much stuff. I am also busy preparing for Bradley's field day event later this month. I finally decided on the menu for the day and it's expensive. I hope the parents will help pitch in and cover the costs.

I'll be back shortly after classes start next week.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Marathon

The last four weeks sure felt like I was running a marathon and the closer I got to the finish line, the more tired I was, the more I hurt, and the more hopeless I felt. It's all over now but the crying. Haha That was a pretty intense semester and I hope to avoid another like it. I've been told that next spring might be just as difficult so I'll be ready to drop to three classes. I feel like I have alienated Bailey and the house is a disaster. I have so much to catch up on.

I got my 15 page Sociology term paper completed...98. Our group project for Argument-based Research...100. Math comprehensive final exam...? Religions research paper and final test...? I am really worried about these last three grades and since course grades are due tomorrow, I don't think I will get a chance to see how I did individually on them. For the next 24 hours, we need to pray for the best. I hope I haven't ruined my perfect record.

By far, Religions has been my hardest class