Monday, May 5, 2008

The Marathon

The last four weeks sure felt like I was running a marathon and the closer I got to the finish line, the more tired I was, the more I hurt, and the more hopeless I felt. It's all over now but the crying. Haha That was a pretty intense semester and I hope to avoid another like it. I've been told that next spring might be just as difficult so I'll be ready to drop to three classes. I feel like I have alienated Bailey and the house is a disaster. I have so much to catch up on.

I got my 15 page Sociology term paper completed...98. Our group project for Argument-based Research...100. Math comprehensive final exam...? Religions research paper and final test...? I am really worried about these last three grades and since course grades are due tomorrow, I don't think I will get a chance to see how I did individually on them. For the next 24 hours, we need to pray for the best. I hope I haven't ruined my perfect record.

By far, Religions has been my hardest class

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