Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to the grindstone

Beginning the semester while on vacation is not recommended. I'm starting off behind and feel very stressed. I was smart to get some reading done beforehand but that simply wasn't enough. I needed those 4 days to familarize myself with the classes and material. I missed two assignments due last Wednesday (geesh, we were still in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and without internet) and despite checking in Thursday morning, afternoon and Friday afternoon, I didn't notice it until Friday night. By then I panicked and called the instructor and left her an email. I absolutely despise leaving a bad first impression like that. I felt lower than dirt. Also, I was given the wrong textbook and had to exhange it Saturday morning. Meaning, that was another wasted trip to the bookstore. I'm feeling better now and already have this week's assignments finished in that class and we were just given them yesterday. I made a 95 on my first test in there also. Now I'm still behind in my other 3 classes though. So I must return to my studies quickly.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My ship has come in

In desperation, I ordered my textbooks online last Thursday. I got an email Friday night showing the order was filled. I'm going down there to pick them up as soon as Bailey wakes up. I know the order should be complete but until I get them all in my fat little hands, I'm not holding my breath. Oh my goodness, if they are truly in I am all set. That is one huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I almost can't wait to get down there and pick them up so I'll know for sure without this false sense of hope looming over me.

In the meantime, I'm busy packing and preparing for our trip. We will be gone for 10days but I only want to pack for 5 days and anticipate washing clothes 2-3 times while we are on the road. I don't know if we have enough clothes for 10 full days away. Even if we did, I don't know if our cabin on the ship will accomodate that many clothes either.

I can't believe summer break is practically over. It went by so fast. The pools close in less than a month and then the cooler nights return.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Why is it that I drive 40 miles to the school bookstore to buy books hoping to save a few dollars in the long run and they have nothing for me to buy? The two books I need are not in stock. On top of that, I also attempted to sell back my books from summer but they do not do book buy-back on Saturday. I was going to buy the Geology lab kit but it is exempt from the tax-free holiday since it is over $100. I left empty handed (well, except for my old books) and Bailey struck gold with yet another chocolate candy bar for her persistant patience with me. Realizing that I had just wasted another $20, I was about in tears. At least I faired better on my trip to JCPenney for shoes (they were all on clearance) and Walmart for a birthday present (we found tons of toys on clearance). Seriously, I would buy my books from Amazon but they don't carry either one of these. I'm still fuming!

I am so upset! In nine days we are heading south for our vacation. This is the only time we can take a vacation as a family this year due to our school and work schedules. Our last scheduled event is my family reunion on Sunday and we are free until school starts. Little did I know back in January when we were scheduling this trip that my school would start back while I am on the cruise (the school calendar for 2008-2009 was not available at that time). Now I may not be able to purchase my last two textbooks until the 23rd while classes start on the 18th. I am not a happy camper right now! In my attempts to get ahead of the game, I did get my first assignment for Geology so that I can at least get the reading part done for that class. It would be nice if I can do the same for the History class since I already have that book as well.

Other than that dilemma, I am really enjoying this break! I am well-rested. I have cleaned house. I have the boys schoolwork for the past year in their notebooks. I shopped all the clearance sales that I needed to. The boys are geared up for soccer. I have almost all my shopping done for the cruise. I just need to get our medications together and we will be set. It would be a bonus if I could finish my de-cluttering and get some scrapbooking done as well. Oh and I even wrapped Bailey's birthday presents and saved two for the cruise since her third birthday will be on the 20th, while we are still on the boat. Life is good right now but once we return home from this vacation, it will be very chaotic since I'll be behind in schoolwork, Bailey's birthday stuff, and getting the boys' ready for school.