Monday, September 15, 2008

One month done, 3 to go

It does help to know that I have made it through the first quarter. Week 5 starts today and it is the first week I haven't felt completely overwhelmed on a Monday. I began plotting my game plan for the week last night so that helps me keep all this in perspective. This is an interesting load of classes and each has its own set of challenges. I believe I will be sick of tests by the end of this semester. We have between 2-4 tests each week along with reading, lectures, assignments, lab, and discussions. It is keeping me very busy but I expected this. I continue to look forward to Dec. 15th when this semester will be behind me and I'll have a lighter load until next spring.
Geology has been interesting. We do a weekly lab along with a lesson or GeoTour, quiz, and our assignments. It seems like a lot of work but if you have a photographic memory, it is probably quite easy.
History has been interesting as well but the class got off to a rough start. Our first chapter addressed evolution and we had a few too many students in there who had to share their opinions on religious beliefs. Personally, I would have kicked a few out of the classroom but the instructor continues to correct those students instead.
Psychology is going well. I took this class about 20 years ago so it isn't too foreign to me. I feel like much of it is a refresher and I am still learning new theories and ideas that have developed since my last class.
Spanish appears to be going quite well but I am hesitant. We have our first test this week and it worries me a bit. I did quite well on the pretest and studied more last week so I should be on track. I am curious to see how many people are able to finish this class. Lisa, one of my favorite classmates, feels that this might be the one she needs to drop since she is trying to handle 5 classes.
That is it in a nut shell. Everyting seems to be going well. Bailey is still left alone most of the day but I keep telling myself just 3 more months. We joined the Y so she does get some play time and Audrey comes over occassionally to play with her some as well. Her evaluation is tomorrow and we will find out then whether she needs speech before school starts or if it can wait. In a way I would feel better to go ahead and get her in there now to at least get her caught up. I do not like these kids starting school behind as what happened with Patrick and Bradley. It took Patrick 5 years to catch up and Bradley is still working through it. That's all for now folks.

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